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    • [96] Porphyrin-Based Hydrogen-Bonded Organic Frameworks: Axial Coordination-Assisted Pore Volume Expansion and Efficient Separation of Gaseous Hydrocarbon

      Hyunjun Park, Kwang Hyun Oh, Jae Hwa Lee, Younghun Kim, Jeong Heon Lee, Hoi Ri Moon*, Youn-Sang Bae*, and Woo-Dong Jang*



    • [95] Parsimonious Topology Based on Frank-Kasper Polyhedra in Metal-Organic Frameworks

      Soochan Lee, Sungmin Lee, Yuna Kwak, Masood Yousaf, Hoi Ri Moon, Sung June Cho*, Noejung Park*, and Wonyoung Choe*












